

The Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation (translator, editor). Revised, single-volume edition. Sheed & Ward, 2007.

Individual volumes still available:

The Inclusive New Testament (translator, editor). Now in its fourth printing. Priests for Equality, 1994.

The Inclusive Psalms (translator, editor). Priests for Equality, 1998.

The Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures, Volume I: The Torah (translator, editor). Priests for Equality, 1999.

The Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures, Volume II: The Prophets (translator, editor). Priests for Equality, 2004

The Inclusive Hebrew Scriptures, Volume III: The Writings (translator, editor). Priests for Equality, 2001.

Completely new translation of the Bible from the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and koiné Greek into richly poetic, non-sexist and non-classist modern English.

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Dào Dé Jīng: The Path and the Power. Forthcoming from Smithcraft Press.

A new poetic translation of the Taoist classic with a crosscultural, interfaith commentary.

Healer, Seer, Warrior, Poet: Dialogues with Modern Shamans. Forthcoming from Smithcraft Press.

A stimulating series of conversations between four 21st century shamans on the various “ministries” of traditional shamanism—doctor, priest, prophet, astronomer, teacher, scribe, visionary, warrior, psychopomp, and even metalworker—and how they are realized in modern society.

Mark and John: New Translations. Forthcoming from Smithcraft Press.

The Markan and Johannine gospels are strikingly different, each vital to the formation of a new faith, and connected in ways that may not be apparent at first glance. “Smith’s strong and beautiful translations and commentaries explore both the poetry and the message in new and suprising ways,” according to early reviews.

Hearing the Word: An Inclusive-Language Liturgical Lectionary (contributing editor, translator). St. Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C., 1985.

Groundbreaking and critically-acclaimed three-year cycle of biblical readings cast in inclusive language.

Magazine and Newspaper Articles

“‘Christianity and Lakota Tradition: One and the Same.'” The Witness, January 1992.

Interview with the Rev. Virgil Foote, an Episcopal priest and full-blooded Lakota Sioux.

“Mazakute Integrates Christianity and Traditional Way.” Soundings, April 1992.

Profile of Episcopal mission in Minnesota that incorporates Native American forms of worship into a traditional Episcopal service.

“Red Road, White Road: Native American Spiritualities and the Church.” Episcopal Life, October 1992.

Discussion of the tension between Christian ministries to native people and the need to preserve their own traditional religions.

“Raised in Rage.” The Witness, November 1992.

Profile of Emmett Jarrett, president of the Episcopal Urban Caucus who took a controversial vow of non-violence.

“Clear-cutting” (sidebar). The Witness, June 1993.

Investigative report on the practice of clear-cutting in the Pacific Northwest.

“‘No More War. No More Injustice.’ A Cry from North Ireland.” The Witness, July/August 1993.

The impact on “the troubles” in Northern Ireland on young people.

“Peace in Israel/Palestine?” The Witness, July/August 1993.

A look at attempts to create greater understanding between Israelis and Palestinians.

“Teaching Peace.” The Witness, September 1993.

An interview with Washington Post columnist and peace activist Colman McCarthy.

“The Word in Our Hearts.” The Witness, December 1993.

A look at the love-hate relationship many Christians—lay and clergy alike—have with the Bible. Article won the 1994 Polly Bond Award for Excellence in Communications.

“What to Expect from the House of Deputies.” The Witness, General Convention Supplement 1994.

Overview of the Episcopal Church’s 1994 General Convention, including reports by special-interest groups and advocacy organizations.

“A New Captivity of the Churches.” The Witness, October 1995.

An interview with author and theologian Gibson Winter.

“ANC Candidate Responds.” The In-Towner, November 1990.

A discussion of the issues in a local Washington, D.C., election.

“Sustained Outreach Boosts Membership at D.C. Church.” Washington Diocese, June 1991.

Profile of inner-city church renowned for its social activism.

4 thoughts on “Publications

  1. Ann Soffes Blount

    Hey Craig! This is Ann Soffes Blount from St. Croix. I live in Gadsden County Florida on a ranch. I grew up to be a professor in plant breeding and genetics at University of Florida. I am located near Tallahassee. I was scouring the Internet to see if I could locate you and Jeff Fisher. great web page! I knew you could write! I was fascinated with your site.

    If cyberspace works and you do get this message, e-mail me at or 850-544-0905.


  2. Pingback: Original Spin | Adam Byrn Tritt

  3. John Adams

    Thanks for the opportunity to read some of the Inclusive Bible (12 Minor Prophets). I’ve just ordered it online from Amazon. I like the use of YHWH in this translation. (This was the custom of the Jerusalem Bible first published in 1966, until stopped by decree of Pope emeritus Benedict in recent years. It was a 1977 edition of the JB that first got me interested in Biblical studies as a young man).

    J. Adams (BD).

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